Friday, January 29, 2010

"Smooth Talk" certainly damaged my view.

I read the story of Connie imagining a lot of the scenery. This may be sad but for the first time in my literary understanding I saw what it meant to read. When you paint the image in your head using your imagination, you are becoming part of the story and "living" the story. I did not notice this until I saw the scene the director had painted in his head in the movie. It really was shocking to feel the difference in watching the movie vs. reading a story that gave a shady spotty scene that made you utilize your brain and "imagination" to fill in the dots. Mr. Sexson, I'm sure, deliberately is trying to to show us how much more powerful our brain power is vs. just watching a story play out. Not saying movies are bad. Of course not, they are a great past time and we need relaxing thoughtless time. In America though we have proven over the last 20 years that people are becoming "stupider" as a whole. Just my logical though process kickin' ideas around...

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